Zoo Atlanta has evolved from a quaint picnic stop where people gawked at wild animals to a modern-day destination seeking to teach the public about its animal ambassadors . . .
A Frog at Zoo Atlanta
Located in historic Grant Park, minutes from downtown Atlanta and Turner Field, Zoo Atlanta is one of Georgia's most loved institutions. Founded in 1889, it is one of the 10 oldest zoos in continuous operation in the United States.
Over a century removed from its circus origins, Zoo Atlanta has evolved from a quaint picnic stop where people gawked at wild animals to a modern-day destination seeking to teach the public about its animal ambassadors and work for the preservation of their wild counterparts. Evidenced by the opening of the interactive children’s exhibit Wild Like Me in 2006, the Zoo remains dedicated as always to a wholesome family experience, with a 21 st-century focus on educating young people, raising awareness of the natural world and bridging empathy for animals. Zoo Atlanta’s long journey from Victorian curiosity to powerhouse of conservation and research has not been without its challenges, but the institution’s mission will ensure that history will continue to be made.
Lioness at the Old Zoo
Atlanta’s oldest cultural attraction began the day a circus came to town – and never left. In March 1889, a traveling show bound for Marietta, Ga., stalled just south of its destination when cash flow problems forced its owner into bankruptcy. Left to languish in their cages by defecting circus employees, the animals began to draw crowds of curious onlookers. Two weeks later, businessman George Valentine Gress purchased the collection at public auction and donated the animals en masse to the city of Atlanta. City leaders relocated them to picturesque Grant Park, a favorite local picnic and promenade destination. Featuring a jaguar, a hyena, a black bear, a raccoon, an elk, a gazelle, a Mexican hog, lionesses, pumas, camels and snakes, Atlanta’s first zoological venue opened to the public that April.
Community involvement was part of the Zoo’s life from the beginning, with private citizens donating animals and Atlanta newspapers heralding new arrivals and spearheading fund drives. The largest of these resulted in the purchase of Clio, the Zoo’s first elephant, in 1890. What was by far the park’s grandest collection boost occurred over 40 years later, when an unusual stalemate proved fortuitous for the Zoo. By that time, philanthropist Asa G. Candler, Jr. had accumulated an impressively large private menagerie that he kept on his estate on Briarcliff Road. Candler’s neighbors were less tolerant of the animals, whose sounds, smells and occasional forays off the property tried the community’s patience. Already acquainted with Grant Park through previous animal donations, Candler proposed a solution for his problematic hobby. He would donate his wild things to the Zoo, provided the city raised sufficient funds to house and maintain them. Faced with the pleasant dilemma of accepting a donation that would more than double the size of the attraction, the city shifted into its first major fundraising campaign for the Zoo. In 1935, the park swelled with the arrival of the entire Briarcliff Road collection, which included elephants, leopards, water buffalo, elk, zebra, birds, a hyena and a sea lion, not to mention Jimmie Walker, Candler’s tiger and Grant Park’s first.
"About Us." Zoo Atlanta. 2007. Zoo Atlanta. September, 2008 http://www.zooatlanta.org/aboutus_landing.htm
"About Us - History of Zoo Atlanta." Zoo Atlanta. 2007. Zoo Atlanta. September, 2008 http://zooatlanta.com/aboutus_history.htm